What is ADHD?

ADHD is the abbreviation of ‘Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder’. In the Netherlands, approximately 2.9 percent of children and 2.1 percent of adults are diagnosed with ADHD. It means that a person suffers from an attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.  He or she finds it difficult to focus on just one subject and is easily distracted. A person with ADHD can also be hyperactive. This often causes feelings of unrest and concentration problems. A coach, many of whom can be found on OnlineCoach.net, can help a person with ADHD feel better, so that he or she can function better in society.

What are the symptoms of ADHD?

The diagnosis of ADHD is often made during childhood. However, some symptoms only become clear when a person is older. These are some of the symptoms of an attention deficit hyperactivity disorder:
  • A person finds it very difficult to sit still
  • He or she is quickly distracted
  • A person runs from one activity to another
  • A child finds it difficult to play quietly 
  • A person often doesn’t listen to what others say
  • He or she is very impulsive 
  • Self-control is often very difficult for him or her
  • A person regularly loses stuff

Are there different types of ADHD?

ADHD is mentioned in the international classification system 'Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders' (DSM), which is part of mental health care. The DSM-5 states that there are three different types of ADHD. First, there is the predominantly inattentive type, which means that a person has little to no concentration. He or she is easily distracted, for example by sounds. There’s also a predominantly hyperactive and/or impulsive type. A combination of both types of ADHD is also possible. 

Neurobiological developmental disorder

The DSM-5 describes ADHD as a 'neurobiological developmental disorder'.  Interesting to know is that all of the disorders that are described in this system have been determined on the basis of observable behaviour. However, being restless or having a poor concentration does not always mean that a person has ADHD. The DSM-5 only makes a diagnosis if there are sufficient symptoms of attention deficit, hyperactivity and/or impulsiveness.

What is ADHD?
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